Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 4 - Blog 3: Communication Imperative (Web Lecture)

In the web lecture, Dr. Coopman describes that "most groups and teams rely on a blend of tools that integrate online and offline communication," and through the communication technology we "maximize communication satisfaction and interaction." Yes, it's true. I cannot live without my laptop. Almost every day, I exchange emails with my coworkers, friends, and family members, blogging for this class, Googling to search good materials for my teaching, and so forth. Dr. Coopman also explains how the Internet was originally developed. I did not know about the history, so it's very interesting for me. I remember that I first encountered computer technology in the early 80s. I used it to keep journals of my cheerleader club's activities. It was a UNIX, which did not have any color except the letters in green (like an electric bulletin board) on the black background. To save the journals, I used a flat record-like tool, called a "floppy disk." In the late 90s, I started emailing both with UNIX (electric bulletin board on the black background) and Windows (in multiple colors as it is now) to contact my fiance, now my husband (at that time I was in San Francisco and he was in Tokyo during our one-year long-distance relationship). I really appreciate all of the precursors who created such a great cyber world.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with Msensei, I cannot live without my computer and other electronic communication tools. As a child of the 80's I grew up learning how to use various computer technologies, lived with dial-up internet as a high school student and got a facebook account my first week of undergraduate study. All of these various innovations have changed the way that I interact with others in both my work and personal life and I appreciate all of the doors they have opened for me.
